
A chartered accounting firm, Axentive relied on our expertise to produce a video promoting their services. From script-writing to production, and from filming to post-production, we accompanied them every step of the way. Client: Axentive Directed by: Rémi Saïki Filmed by: Charles Lavilanie, damien Martinière, Rémi Saïki and Octave...

Swiss Life regularly call on us to produce corporate communication videos for them. These videos, intended for internal or external use, have allowed Swiss Life to consolidate their employer brand and position themselves as an expert with their B2C clients. The Swiss Life Foundation also uses...

The most famous French video game publisher, Ubisoft, regularly relies on our team to produce in-house and external communication videos, through various formats – interviews, behind-the-scenes videos, promotional videos...

Produced for the client of the american company MarketScale, this video aims to highlight the client's expertise in materials science, mechanical engineering and waterproofing.With this goal in mind, we conducted interviews with product managers and engineers to delve deep into their know-how.Client: MarketScaleDirected by: Charles LavilanieFilmed by: Charles...